Self-test for the detection of group A ß-hemolytic Streptococcus in pharyngeal infections
Group A ß-haemolytic streptococcus (also known as Streptococcus pyogenes) is a gram positive bacterium that causes a variety of pathological conditions and complications such as throat and skin infections, acute glomerulonephritis, sepsis and rheumatic heart disease.
read morePharyngitis is commonly caused by viral infections and, more rarely, by bacterial infections, for which antibiotic therapy is required.
STREP A TEST is aimed at anyone who wants to monitor the possible bacterial origin of a pharyngitis.
read moreUnderstanding whether a sore throat is caused by the Strep A bacterium or other germs allows you to identify, or rule out, a possible antibiotic treatment.
STREP A TEST is an immunochromatographic device that detects the presence of specific Strep A antigens in pharyngeal samples.
Specificity | 99.0% |
Sensitivity | 91.89% |
Accuracy | 97.9% |
Negative | no Strep A antigens have been detected in the sample or their concentration is below the reference cut-off. |
Positive | Strep A antigens have been detected in the sample. It is recommended to contact your doctor who will recommend you the right therapy. |
1. Banerjee S, Ford C. “Rapid Tests for the Diagnosis of Group A Streptococcal Infection: A Review of Diagnostic Test Accuracy, Clinical Utility, Safety, and Cost-Effectiveness“. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health; 2018 May. CADTH Rapid Response Reports.
2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Adult appropriate antibiotic use summary. http://www.cdc.gov/getsmart/ community/materials-references/print-materials/hcp/adult-approp-summary.pdf 2016.
3. Llor C., Bjerrum L., Munck A., Cots JM., Hernández S., Moragas A.; HAPPY AUDIT Investigators. “Access to point-of-care tests reduces the prescription of antibiotics among antibiotic-requesting subjects with respiratory tract infections.” Respir Care. 2014 Dec.
The test has been carried out correctly when the instructions for use are followed. It includes the reading time and the interpretation of the results shown at the "RESULTS INTERPRETATION" section of the instructions for use.
A colored line will appear at the control region (C) on the test device, showing that the test performed correctly. The absence of the colored line suggests to repeat the test with a new device and a new sample.
The color and intensity of the lines do not affect the interpretation of the result. The test has to be considered positive regardless of the color intensity of the test line (T).
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